Contact | Getting in Touch with Covering World
Thank you for your interest in contacting us at Covering World, an independent publication featuring great gadgets, sensational science and innovative technologies from around the world. Please take a moment to read the following before you reach out:
Please note: if your submission appears in the form of a press release it will be immediately discarded and your site, service and/or product will be permanently blacklisted – Covering World does not accept generic mass-mailed requests of any kind regardless of the content. Period. No Exceptions. Do not waste your time. We also do not accepted guest articles.
If you are a regular reader with feedback, criticism or a general site suggestion we would absolutely love to hear from you. Because we do not allow comments (to reduce spam and provide a better reader experience) we rely on communications via this page and our Twitter, Facebook and Google account to get information from you. Please feel free to skip the following and proceed directly to the contact form.
If you are a visitor who wants more information on a particular product or creator, please take a closer look at the article where you found the product or design in question. Each article should contain one or more source links to places you can purchase these designs are at least learn more about them. We are a publication and do not offer sponsored reviews nor sell the products reviewed on this site.
If you are a designer, webmaster, business or product representative, carefully consider how you contact us. We do not respond to messages that take the form of press releases and are not going to review products that are simply nice or modern or inexpensive – we will only feature innovative, offbeat and exceptionally creative works that will inspire our readership.
Thanks for reading and for your other inquiries, tips and feedback!